This week I’m excited to be flying to Ft. Collins Colorado for an HP Tech Day that will be hosting independent bloggers to take a look at the LeftHand and 3Par products as well as their VMware integration. I’ve been to a couple demos, read a couple papers and have had some conversations with people about these products, so what makes this trip special is that we get some good ol’ fashion hands-on-lab experience. There’s a chasm of a difference between seeing the product in a slide deck and being able to kick the tires yourself.
I’m also excited to meet a group of new bloggers/storage-geeks. I’ve met a few of the guys at different events (Tech Field Day, VMWorld, Hp Cloud Tech Day, etc.) and on twitter and I’m excited to meet the rest:
Alastair Cooke, @DemitasseNZ,
Brian Knudtson, @bknudtson,
Ray Lucchesi, @raylucchesi,
Howard Marks, @DeepStorageNet,
John Obeto, @johnobeto,
Justin Paul, @recklessop,
Jeffery Powers, @geekazine,
Derek Schauland, @webjunkie,
Rick Schlander, @vmrick,
Justin Vashisht, @3cVguy,
The crew will be hosted by HP Storage Guru and all around good guy Calvin Zito (@HPStorageGuy).
As is all the rage for conferences and other intimate gatherings, a live stream of the event will be attempted. Keep an eye out on twitter for the hash tag #HPTechDay and/or #HPCI for the latest information and buzz about the event.
Can’t wait.